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Unforgettable Moments in My Life

Unforgettable Moments in My Life

Unforgettable Moments in My Life
There had been many unforgettable moments in my life. I would like to mention one of these.Once I was traveling from Karachi to Lahore by train. I was in first class, so there were only few passengers, with me. At a particular station, they all got off. Now I was completely alone in the compartment.After sometime, a smart lady entered the compartment and sat next to me. She had a very clever plan to rob me. She said to me that if I did not hand over all the money to her which I had, she would complain to the railway police that I had robbed her. When I heard this dreadful speech I was completely and absolutely pass puzzled. I hit a plan to save myself from the wicked plan of that lady. I therefore pretended that I was a deaf and a dumb fellow and requested to write in a piece of page what she wanted to say. She gladly wrote her demand on the piece of paper and handed it to me. I change my seat and took the piece of writing. The railway police come and asked as what the matter was. The women as clever as she was burst into admits so she told that I had robber her of a thousand rupees. At first he seemed to believe in her story, but when I gave the piece of writing to the police, the women turned pale. She was caught red-handed and this way I saved from her wicked plan.Pakistan As You See in the 21st CenturyWhen the Muslims of India demanded a separate homeland for themselves, many people thought that the establishment of Pakistan was impossible. But Pakistan did come into being. It has not only survived many difficulties but has also made great progress in every field. Its survival and development have surprised all.We would like to see Pakistan at its best in 21st century, in the past years we enabled and demoralize.Unfortunately, Pakistan has not been politically very stable. But there is no need for despair. The people Pakistan agree on fundamental issues and priorities.In the economic field, hopes must be brighter. In 1947, we were a poor agricultural country growing a few crops. Very soon our country began to be industrialized. Its dependence on agriculture would be lessened.Pakistan has taken a very short period in becoming a semi-industrial country. This fact gives us the hope that there would be even faster development in the coming years. We have step in computer world and the other modern technology and expected that in 21st century the computer will be the part of every department even the advancement is expected because the new coming generation is comparatively more intelligent than before. The modern schools and institutions arepreparing the staff better than the before. We have already entered in manufacturing of many modern electronic equipment in future like in 21st century Insha Allah Pakistan will send settelite in space. Pakistani scientist will conquer the space. As the Allama Iqbal saying there is more world after the stars.All these hopes are not just wild dreams. They have a solid foundations. They are founded on the fact that people of Pakistan are intensely devoted to their country. They want to make it a great country and for this, they are ready to make every effort and sacrifice. Moreover, they are true Muslims with firm faith in Allah.Importance of Science As a Subject in CurriculumThe nature has many secrets buried in it. It is the science which has scratched the mask from the face of nature. Science has always helped the man in every chamber of life. The importance of science as a subject in school curriculum can be understood from the fact that science acts as a pillar in the man's knowledge and when the youths are provided with this pillar from the very beginning, they are sure to be successful. Through this subject students are able to know the process going on in nature. The understanding of science gives the students the actual concept of phenomenon that is what is going on behind a particular process. The students can make a great increment in their knowledge by having a deep study on science, so that they are able to know the general activities.Hence the science is a very useful guide which introduces the students with the techniques of nature.