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What Is Fashion? Definition: A Popular or the latest style of Clothing, Hair, Decoration, or Behavior is called Fashion. Why Fashion Is Important? You have been learnt so much about fashion, Obviously there is a lot of Good Sites on Fashion. But, My Question is that why fashion is important for us. Ok now, I'll give you an pretty example on this topic. Here i go, Fashion is not about beauty at all. It's all about your own style and personality. Yes! but, always remember Do not copy others style it makes you feel a little bit of shame. Try something different on yourself makes you look different than regular life. If you make-up like an ugly girl/boy you'll realize that i should try something different and so you do. Fashion is very important for both male and female. There is various types of fashion from around the world. Types Of Fashion: Bohemian Arty Chic Classic Exotic Flamboyant Glamorous Sophisticated Traditional Preppy Punk Tomboy Rocker Goth Etc....